Running JTL-Shop on a 1und1 or Strato server

Your task/initial situation

You have rented a server with 1und1 or Strato and would like to run JTL-Shop on it. The following steps are often required to do so:

Step 1: Replacing the .htaccess rewrite base

With 1und1 and Strato servers, it is usually necessary to set Rewrite_Base to /. To do this, open the .htaccess in the shop root directory, search for

#RewriteBase /

and replace this part with

RewriteBase /

The INSTALL directory requires the same adjustments as .htaccess.

If your JTL-Shop is installed in a subdirectory, e.g., you must adjust the code line to the directory name.

RewriteBase /mydirectory/

Step 2: Activating PHP 7.3

The minimum requirement for JTL-Shop 5 is PHP 7.3. If you notice during the installation that PHP 7.3 is not installed, please contact 1und1/Strato.