Test shop

As an alternative to purchasing a licence, you have the option of testing JTL-Shop for four weeks. The test shop is hosted by JTL.

How to

Before you decide to use JTL-Shop, you would probably like to test all its features first. JTL offers the possibility to connect a test shop hosted by JTL to JTL-Wawi for 4 weeks. Simply click on one of the links above to find the appropriate information.

Before you use JTL-Shop, you should make some basic settings in order to enable smooth operation with JTL-Wawi. This includes setting up shipping methods and payment methods. These can later be linked to payment and shipping methods in JTL-Wawi. This even happens automatically if the same name is used in both systems.

On these pages, you will also find information on special topics such as setting up additional packaging or the search for your JTL-Shop.

You are already working with another shop system. Your customers have already created customer accounts there. If possible, these should also be available in JTL-Shop. JTL-Shop offers you the possibility to migrate customer data for this purpose.

If you also want to transfer orders, items, etc. from a shop system, you must do this in JTL-Wawi. Read the pages on the topic of “Data migration to JTL-Wawi”.