
    Transferring a product range to an online shop

    Your task/initial situation

    You have at last two online shops that are connected to JTL-Wawi. You would now like to transfer the product range of one shop to the other.

    Transferring a product range

    Please note: Both shops should have the same root category.

    In the dialogue box Transferring a product range, you can transfer the product range of one of your online shops to another. The dialogue is accessible via the menu Online shops > Product transfer in JTL-Wawi.

    A: In the pane Select online shop, select the online shop to which you want to copy the product range.

    B: In the pane Product range settings for online shop A, select the online shop from which you want to copy the data. Check the box for Use images from to be able to select the platform from which the images are to be taken.

    C: Use the button Deactivate prod. range to disable all items and categories in this online shop.