
    Detailed description: Create new category

    On this page, you will find a detailed description of the functions on the Create new category page. You can reach this page in the back end of JTL-Shop via Marketing > Promotions > Blog posts > Categories tab > Create new category button. It includes the areas Create new category and Meta/SEO.

    Pane: Create new category

    Parent category: Select which category should be the parent category to the newly created category. Select the Main category setting if the category is to be at the highest level.

    Category sorting: Specify where the category should be displayed. The lower the number entered, the higher up the category will be displayed.

    Active: Specify whether the category is to be displayed.

    Preview: Here you can select an image to be displayed as a preview image for the category. To do this, drag and drop an image into the Preview area or click the Browse button to select an image from your local memory. This setting is optional.

    Language: Select the language you want to assign to the category.

    Pane: Meta/SEO

    Make meta/SEO settings for the German and English languages here.

    Name: Enter the name of your new category.

    SEO: Enter an SEO link name. Be careful not to use the category name more than once. A duplicate category name negatively affects the SEO. If the SEO text field is left empty, the SEO name is generated from the heading.

    Meta title: Enter the meta title of your category. The meta title is the page title that appears in the search engine results and briefly describes the content of the category.

    Meta description: Enter the meta description of the category. Depending on the search engine, the meta description can be displayed as a description of the page in the search engine results. It should be a concise summary of the page’s contents.

    Description: Enter a description of your blog category. The description is displayed on the category page in the blog overview.