Variables for email templates

In the email templates, variables provided by the online shop system can be queried in Smarty syntax. Depending on the email template and the intended use, the variables differ.

Usually, certain objects (e.g. {$Kunde} (customer)) with properties ( e.g. {$Kunde->cName} (Customer > Name)) are available for an email template.

For a test, you can have all objects available in an email template and their properties output in a corresponding test email.
To do this, install the plugin jtl-debug. Detailed information about the plug-in can be found here.

This plug-in offers the option Alle verfügbaren Smarty-Variablen an Body von Mails anhängen (Show all available Smarty variables in email bodies). The option allows you to output the objects and their properties in this test email.

Variables in the text of email templates

Example using the Customer receives credit template:

{includeMailTemplate template=header type=html}

Dear {if $Kunde->cAnrede == "w"}{else}{/if} {$Kunde->cAnredeLocalized} {$Kunde->cNachname},<br> 
we are happy to tell you that we have left a voucher for you in your customer account.<br> 
<strong>Voucher value:</strong> {$Gutschein->cLocalizedWert}<br> 
Reason for issuing the voucher: {$Gutschein->cGrund}<br> 
You can use this voucher for your next purchase. The sum will then be deducted from the purchase value.<br> 
Enjoy your next purchase with us!<br> 
<br> We hope to see you soon <br> at {$Firma->cName}

{includeMailTemplate template=footer type=html}

Let us assume that the values of the variables are as follows:

            [Kunde] => stdClass Object
                    [cAnrede] =>  w
                    [cAnredeLocalized] => Miss
                    [cNachname] =>  Doe
            [Gutschein] => stdClass Object
                    [cLocalizedWert] =>  5,00 Euro
                    [cGrund] =>  Birthday
            [Firma] => stdClass Object
                    [cName] =>  Example shop

Using the template, this results in the following credit email.

Dear Miss Doe,<br>
we are happy to tell you that we have left a voucher for you in your customer account.<br>
<strong>Voucher value:</strong> 5,00 Euro<br>
Reason for issuing the voucher: Birthday<br>
You can use this voucher for your next purchase. The sum will be deducted from your purchase value.<br>
Enjoy your next purchase with us! <br>
<br> We hope to see you soon <br> at Example Shop

Variables for the subject line

You can use the following variables for the subject line:




