
    Editing user interface texts

    Your task/initial situation

    JTL-Shop has a standard language variable for every text that your customers see in the front end. These texts can be changed to match your requirements and language.

    Editing user interface texts

    This is how you change the standard text blocks in your online shop:

    1. Log in to the back end of JTL-Shop with your admin access data.
    2. Go to Administration > Language variables.

    JTL-Shop comes with English and German variables that can be edited at any time. Once saved, the changes are effective in the online shop immediately.

    Looking for language variables

    Using the Search field, you can look for terms that are displayed in your online shop as text. In the example below, we looked for bestseller. The content of the variable can be changed at any time by clicking on the current content. If you changed “bestsellers” to “top items”, for example, the text in the online shop would read “Our top items”.

    Adding your own language variables

    Via Add variable you can add custom language variables which can then be queried in the template via {lang key=”variableName” section=”custom”}.

    Select Add variable. Under section, select custom; this section is reserved for your own language variables. Into Variable, enter a unique name. It will be referenced in the template code. Then enter the variable content in English (or any other language, if available). Confirm by clicking Save.

    Example: You have added a new category boy to the template. You want to translate the title of the box in every language. The template code for the title of the category box is: {lang key=”categorybox1″ section=”custom”}. In the language variable administration, add the new variable via Add variable and use the following parameters:
    • Section: custom
    • Variable: categorybox1
    • German: Meine Kategorien
    • English: My categories

    Exporting languages

    You can also export the language variables. If you want to export only variables with a specific content, enter the respective search term into Search and click on the Magnifying glass. If you select Export entries now, only the search results will be exported.

    You can choose between three possibilities:

    • Both
    • System only
    • Custom only

    Select a suitable option and click on the magnifying glass. Depending on your selection, all variables, only those that you created yourself or only system variables will be exported when you click on Export entries now.

    Importing languages

    In the language variable administration, select Import entries. Select the appropriate file.
    When importing the variables, you can choose between three options:

    • Delete existing entries, import new ones afterwards
    • Overwrite existing entries and import new ones
    • Keep existing entries and import new ones

    Creating a new language

    To add a new language, export one of the existing languages (German or English). You can then edit the exported file with any suitable editor (e.g. OpenOffice Calc or Excel). Once you configured and synchronised the new language using JTL-Wawi, the respective language is available in the language variable administration. Back in the language variable administration, you can now select the new language to edit its variables.