Extended customer data

Detailed description of all options

Language: Set the language of the now form field here.

Name of field in JTL-Shop: Enter the name under which the field will be displayed in JTL-Shop.

Name of field in JTL-Wawi: Enter the name under which the attribute will be displayed in the customer master data of JTL-Wawi.

Sorting: Enter a number for the position of the field. The smaller the number, the higher up the field will be listed.

Mandatory field: Specify whether customers need to full out this field or not.

In the overview of your custom form fields, fields that are mandatory are marked with an *.

Allow editing: Specify whether customers can edit their input.

Field type: Specify how the field is to be completed:

  • Text: Your customers can enter any text.
  • Number: Your customers can only enter numbers but not letters.
  • Date: You customers can select dates.
  • Selection: You can enter several values that your customers can then select from a drop-down menu. To offer more values from which to make a selection, simply click Add value. The sort order in which added values are displayed can be specified using the field Sort..