
    Global meta data

    Detailed description of all options

    The first details are only used when there are no other details for a page yet (e.g. pages for which no value was entered for the meta title).

    Title: A Title is the general headline of a page. It should be concise and give a short description of what your customers can buy in the online shop.

    Meta description: The meta description provides a summary of the page contents and is displayed as a text snippet under the page’s URL in search engines. The description should summarise the online shop content as short and precise as possible (160 characters max).

    Prefix for meta description: Here you can enter a prefix that will be added before the meta description, e.g. the name of your online shop.

    The rest of the details contains general information that is used for all pages.

    Meta publisher: The Meta publisher (author) is responsible for the content of the page.

    Meta copyright: Enter the owner of the copyright-related rights of use or the person to whom the copyright has been granted.

    Add meta title to item detail pages: If you want to add the title to the individual meta title for item detail pages, select Yes.

    Add item price to title: The option Add item price to title is only valid for the item detail page. The price that the default customer group sees is added at the end of the title. The display does not change when a customer with another customer group logs in with their account.

    Minimum number of characters in keywords: Enter a value for the minimum length of keywords.
    This setting affects only the item detail page and its automatically generated meta keywords.

    Maximum number of characters in meta title: Specify the maximum number of characters that a meta title may have.
    You can enter a value of up to 71. This is also the maximum value allowed by Google.

    Maximum number of characters in meta description: Specify the maximum number of characters that a meta description may have.

    The maximum possible number is 160. This is also the highest value allowed by Google. The meta title does not have to be repeated in the meta description.