
    Question about item

    Detailed description of all options

    Show form with questions about item: Here you can specify whether your customers are able to ask questions about the item on the item detail page. If you select Yes, the form will be displayed in a separate tab. The question form can also be displayed in a separate dialogue or deactivated altogether.

    Email address for questions about item: Enter the email address to which questions about items are to be sent.

    Prompt customer data: Specify whether customers need to enter a title, first and last name, company name as well as their phone, mobile phone and/or fax number. If you select Yes, optional, customers can decide themselves whether they want to enter the requested information.

    Send copy of question about item to customer: Specify whether the customer receives a copy of their question via email.

    Lock form for questions about item for X minutes: Enter the amount of time in minutes that customers have to wait until they can ask another question about the item.

    Enable spam protection: Specify whether the spam protection is active for questions about items.