Thank you for using the English version of the JTL-Guide!
We are currently still building up the English documentation; not all sections have been translated yet. Please note that there may still be German screenshots or links to German pages even on pages that have already been translated. This guide mostly addresses English speaking users in Germany.
We are currently still building up the English documentation; not all sections have been translated yet. Please note that there may still be German screenshots or links to German pages even on pages that have already been translated. This guide mostly addresses English speaking users in Germany.
Note: On 1 September 2024, JTL introduced new editions that bundle most of the previous individual services into different packages. In order for you to continue working as smoothly as possible, existing customers were automatically switched to the package configuration that best matched their existing contract. The individual packages differ in terms of limitations and/or range of functions. Therefore, some of the features described in the JTL-Guide may not be available to you as part of your booked JTL edition. You can change your package configuration in your JTL customer account. Find out more about the new editions and packages here. Check our FAQ for frequently asked questions about the product editions.
Transferring customer data from Shopware
Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie die allgemeinen Hinweise zum Kundendatenimport: Kundenimport
If you want to migrate the data records of your customers from your Shopware shop to JTL-Shop, you must carry out the following steps:
- Export of customer data as CSV file from Shopware
- Conversion of CSV file into a format readable by JTL-Shop
- Import of CSV file into JTL-Shop
In the following, we will go through the individual steps.
Step 1: Exporting customer data from Shopware as a CSV file
Please note: The following instructions refer to Shopware 5. The current version of Shopware’s own documentation can be found under Import/Export of Customers in Shopware.
- Log in to the Shopware admin section with your access data.
- Open the Import/Export menu item in the Content menu.
- If necessary, install the Import/export plug-in via the next window.
- In the next window, go to the Export tab, select CSV as the export format and default_customers as the profile.
- Start the export.
You will now receive a CSV file containing your Shopware customer data.
Step 2: Converting the CSV file into a format readable by JTL-Shop
- Open the CSV file in an editor, e.g. Microsoft Excel.
- Replace the column headings using the following table to get the correct formats for JTL-Shop.
Old name (Shopware)
New name (JTL shop)
cAnrede (please note step 3)
cStrasse (please note step 4)
- Perform a search/replace action for the column “cAnrede” (or billing_salutation in Shopware). Replace “mr” with “m” and “ms” with “w”.
- Insert the column “cHausnummer” after the column “cStrasse”. Copy the house numbers from “cStrasse” to “cHausnummer”.
Dazu können Sie zum Beispiel die Funktion „Textkonvertierungs-Assistent“ von Excel verwenden. Dort geben Sie als Trennzeichen das Leerzeichen ein. Beachten Sie bei diesem Automatismus jedoch bitte, dass manche Straßennamen aus mehr als einem Wort bestehen (z. B. Berliner Platz, Auf dem Damm usw.). Um ein Überschreiben späterer Zeilen zu vermeiden sollten Sie also lieber noch 2 bis 3 weitere leere Spalten hinter cHausnummer einfügen und anschließend manuell alle Einträge korrigieren, die Straßennamen aus mehreren Wörtern beinhalten. Alternative: Ggf. funktioniert für Sie auch dieser alternative Weg, den uns ein Benutzer vorgeschlagen hat: Markieren Sie die Straßennamen und suchen Sie nach „ 1“ (Leerzeichen1) und ersetzen Sie den Ausdruck durch „;1“. Gehen Sie so für alle Nummern von 1 bis 9 vor. So umgehen Sie das Problem der Straßennamen, die aus mehreren Wörtern bestehen.
- Delete all columns whose names you did not replace.
- Save the CSV file.
Step 3: Importing the CSV file into JTL-Shop
- In the back end of JTL-Shop, go to Administration > Import > Customers.
- Select your file under CSV file with customer data.
- Click on Import.