
    Resetting the shop

    Your task/initial situation

    You want to partially or completely reset the data in your online shop.

    Procedure for resetting the shop

    We recommend that you create a database backup of the shop before resetting it (or have created). Learn more about this here: Creating a database backup.

    Set a time for planned maintenance, which may take a while. Now carry out the following steps:

    1. Activate the maintenance mode of JTL-Shop. To do this, open the menu item Settings > Global in the shop back end and set the option Enable maintenance mode to Yes.
    1. Close JTL-Worker and deactivate the background service in JTL-Wawi under Admin > JTL-Worker by deactivating Aktivieren für diesen Mandanten (Activate for this tenant).
    2. In the back end of JTL-Shop, go to System > Reset.
    3. Activate the areas of JTL-Shop that you want to reset.
    Please note that only items, categories, and characteristics can be restored via JTL-Wawi. All other activated areas, for example the visitor statistics, will be permanently deleted from the shop.
    1. Click on the Reset data button. The data of your online shop will be reset.
    2. In JTL-Wawi, go the menu Onlineshop > Komplettabgleich (Online shop > Online shop connection) and open the dialogue Komplettabgleich vorbereiten (Preparation of the complete synchronisation).
    3. Activate the check box All for the online shop. Then save the dialogue window.
    4. Now carry out a shop synchronisation via the menu Onlineshop > Onlineshop-Abgleich (Online Shop > Online shop synchronisation). Depending on the quantity of items, the subsequent complete synchronisation can take a very long time, as all item data, including the images, are transferred again. This also requires a stable Internet line.
    5. Then restart JTL-Worker and deactivate the maintenance mode of JTL-Shop.