Custom overviews for Customers

On this page you will find sample SQL commands for custom overviews in the Customers area of JTL-Wawi. Read the Creating custom overviews page to learn how to create custom overviews.

Customer-specific prices

Select a customer in the JTL-Wawi customer management to see all valid customer-specific prices at a glance. Scale prices are also taken into account. The following information is shown:

  • SKU
  • Item name
  • Price from quantity
  • Net price
  • Gross price
	tartikel.cArtNr AS ArtNr,
	tArtikelBeschreibung.cName AS Artikelname,
	tPreisDetail.nAnzahlAb AS 'Preis ab Menge',
	CONVERT(decimal(10,2), tPreisDetail.fNettoPreis) AS 'Nettopreis',
	CONVERT(decimal(10,2), tPreisDetail.fNettoPreis * (100 + tSteuersatz.fSteuersatz) / 100) AS 'Bruttopreis'
FROM tKunde
JOIN tPreis ON tPreis.kKunde = tKunde.kKunde
JOIN tPreisDetail ON tPreisDetail.kPreis = tPreis.kPreis
JOIN tartikel ON tartikel.kArtikel = tPreis.kArtikel
JOIN dbo.tSpracheUsed ON nStandard = 1
JOIN dbo.tArtikelBeschreibung ON tArtikelBeschreibung.kArtikel = tartikel.kArtikel
    AND tArtikelBeschreibung.kSprache = tSpracheUsed.kSprache
    AND tArtikelBeschreibung.kPlattform=1
SELECT TOP 1 kFirma, cLandISO FROM tFirma
ORDER by kFirma) AS jFirma ON 1=1
JOIN tSteuerzoneLand ON tSteuerzoneLand.cISO = jFirma.cLandISO
JOIN tSteuerzone ON tSteuerzone.kSteuerzone = tSteuerzoneLand.kSteuerzone
	AND tSteuerzone.kFirma = 0
JOIN tSteuersatz ON tSteuersatz.kSteuerzone = tSteuerzone.kSteuerzone
	AND tSteuersatz.kSteuerklasse = tartikel.kSteuerklasse
WHERE tKunde.kKunde = @Key
ORDER BY ArtNr, 'Preis ab Menge'

Read the following documentation on the subject: Setting up customer-specific prices.

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