
    Viewing shipping information in JTL-Wawi

    Your task/initial situation

    You want to know with which shipping service provider a specific sales order has been shipped.
    • You must have created the sales order in JTL-Wawi. Read more on the topic here.
    • You must have shipped the sales order. Read more on the topic here.

    Viewing the shipping information

    1. Click on the Sales icon to go to the sales management in JTL-Wawi.
    2. Select the Sales orders category and select the sales order whose shipping information you want to view.
    1. Click Shipping information in the toolbar. The Shipping information for sales order dialogue box opens.

    In this dialogue box you can view the packages belonging to this sales order including all available information.

    Shipping method: The shipping method with which the package has been shipped.

    Tracking ID: If available, the ID with which the shipment can be tracked.

    Shipping date: Date on which the package was shipped (if the shipping date has been set).

    Comment: If a comment has been added, you can see it here.

    Shipping weight: Weight of the shipped package.

    Delivery note: ID of the delivery note that belongs to this package.