
    Dialogue box: Performing goods receipts

    Pane A: Select

    Warehouse: Select the warehouse in which the goods receipt is to be carried out.

    Delivery date: Enter an alternative date here if the goods receipt should not be posted for the current day.

    Delivery note ID: Enter the delivery note ID of your supplier here, if this is available to you. You can then filter by delivery note ID later on.

    Purchase order ID: If you perform the goods receipt for a purchase order, you can search for a specific order using the purchase order ID.

    Inv. corr.: If the goods receipt belongs to an invoice correction, you can enter the invoice correction ID here to find the respective invoice correction.

    Goods receipt w/o PO: If you want to post goods without reference, you can use this field to search for an identification number or look up the item using the  button.

    Supplier: Here you can search for a specific supplier with whom you still have an open purchase order.

    Pane B: Selection

    Here you can see a list of all items for which you can currently perform a goods receipt. This list depends on which preselection you have made in pane A.

    Apply selection: Select the items in the list for which you want to perform a goods receipt. By default, all items are selected. Click Apply selection to add the items to the Preview pane.

    Deselect all line items: Deselects all line items in the list.

    Hide applied line items: Removes all items from the list that have already been applied.

    Edit when applying: If the check box is activated, the dialogue box for editing opens automatically.

    Pane C: Preview goods receipt

    Here you can see a list of all items that have already been applied.

    Edit: Opens the Editing goods receipt dialogue box for a selected item. Here you can adjust the delivered quantity and add comments.

    Remove selected: Removes the selected items from the Preview. You can then add them back to the list.

    Print labels: Opens the Printing item labels dialogue box. Specify the number of item labels to be printed.

    Pane D: Other buttons

    Print labels after goods receipt: Automatically prints the required number of item labels as soon as the goods receipt is posted.

    Post: Posts the goods receipt as configured and closes the Performing goods receipts dialogue box. All stocks in your warehouse will be adjusted accordingly.

    Cancel: Closes the Performing goods receipts dialogue box goods without making any changes to your stocks.