
    Setting up number ranges

    Your task/initial situation

    You can use number ranges to determine how receipt numbers, customer IDs, and SKUs are generated in JTL-POS. The numbers usually consist of a prefix, a consecutive number, and a suffix. However, you do not need to use prefixes and suffixes. You would now like to adjust the settings for the automatic creation of numbers.

    Setting up number ranges

    You can adjust most number ranges at any time. The receipt number is the only one that can only be processed if there are no receipts on hold or open.

    1. Go to Settings > Number ranges. The dialogue box Number ranges opens.
    2. Tap the pencil icon to edit the number ranges. The dialogue box Create/Edit number ranges opens.
    1. Specify the Prefix for receipt numbers, customer IDs, and SKUs. The prefix is always at the beginning of the number and does not change.
    2. Then specify how many digits the number that is counted up in this section should have. The number must have a minimum of 3 digits and a maximum of 9 digits. The number is always placed between the prefix and the suffix.
    Example: If you have several cash registers with JTL-POS that are connected to JTL-Wawi, you should define an individual receipt number prefix for each cash register. This could, for example, be the cash register ID. This allows you to quickly identify the cash register on which a receipt was created. To learn more about multiple cash registers, please read these instructions: Connecting multiple cash registers to JTL-Wawi.
    1. Specify the Suffix for receipt numbers, customer IDs, and SKUs. The suffix is always at the end of the number and is not changed.
    Please note: Prefix and suffix are optional and can be left empty. In this case, only the digit would be incremented.
    1. Under Reset receipt no., you can specify if and when you want receipt numbers to be reset.
    2. Specify for the payment number whether it is to be reset after day-end closing. The payment number cannot be configured via the number ranges. It starts at 0 and is incremented with each payment.
    Please note: The payment number is mandatory according to the German cash register regulation “Kassensicherungsverordnung” (KassenSichV) and must be on every receipt.
    1. Accept the changes via the button. The number ranges are now used according to your specifications.