Detailed description: Check box administration

Functions of the check box administration

Name: Internal name of the check box. We recommend using a name that is easily identifiable like “Contact form Newsletter subscription”.

Text: This is the text displayed behind the check box. Usually, this text is a short description of the action activated by the check box, for example “Subscribe to newsletter”. You can add a text in each language that is active for your JTL-Shop.

Description: If you want to provide the customer with further information, you can enter a description. For example, you can explain the result of the check box activation and what it entails. You can add a description in each language that is active for your JTL-Shop. The description can also stay empty.

Internal link: The internal link is used to forward customers to another page of your online shop. The page must be listed under View > Custom contents > Pages. In this example, we are adding a link to the Data protection page. No means that the check box is displayed without a link.

About the link text: The standard link text of JTL-Shop “Read” can be edited. To do this, go to Administration > Language variables. Search for the variable “read” in the “account data” section and edit the text. Go to Editing UI texts.

Display location: Use the display location to specify the page on which the check box will be displayed. It is possible to enter several pages.

Mandatory: If you want your customers to be required to select the check box, e.g.  because they need to consent to the terms and conditions, select Yes.

Active: This option specifies whether a check box is displayed (Yes) or not (No).

Check box logging: Logs the uses of the check box. The information is saved to the JTL-Shop database.

Sorting: The sorting specifies the order in which check boxes are displayed on your website. Simply enter the appropriate number. Check boxes with a higher sorting number are depicted further down.

Special function in online shop: You can add a special function to a check box. It is possible to extend special functions via plug-ins. For the example check box, we have selected Newsletter subscription.

Customer group: Specify which customer groups can view the check box. You can select several groups. If you select the default customer group of JTL-Shop, the check box is also displayed to visitors who are not logged in.