Maintaining page titles and meta data

Your task/initial situation

You can use the meta data of a page to have search engines show suitable information about the page.

Maintaining meta data in JTL-Wawi

Meta data can be entered in JTL-Wawi. They are maintained separately for each activated language

Please note: The information in JTL-Wawi does not necessarily match the actual result. For example, special characters and spaces in SEO links are automatically converted by JTL-Shop. Note that SEO links must always be unique. When there are a category and a manufacturer with the same name, the URL is counted up. The preview is also just a suggestion that is sent to search engines such as Google. In some cases, these search engines will display different contents anyway.


Normally, every item has its own item detail page with individual meta data. In JTL-Wawi, you can enter the meta data in the item master data in the tab Description > Meta data (SEO).


The meta data for categories can be managed in the Descriptions tab of the category master data. From there, go to the tab Meta data.


The manufacturer master data can be entered into the JTL-Wawi menu Items > Manufacturers. In the respective manufacturer data, open the tab Meta data (SEO).

Adding meta data in JTL-Shop

In JTL-Shop, you can add meta data for all pages that do not use JTL-Wawi meta data.

  1. Log in to the back end of JTL-Shop with your admin access data.
  2. Go to Administration > SEO > Meta data.
  3. In the Language drop-down menu, select the language for which you want to enter the meta data. Go to detailed description of all options: Global meta data.
  4. Click Save to apply your changes.

Custom pages

You can enter meta data for custom pages, too. They have priority over automatically generated meta data. It is always good to maintain as many individual pieces of meta information as possible.

  1. In View > Custom contents > Pages, select a page for which you want to add meta data.
  2. Click the Edit icon behind the respective page. The page Creating and editing pages opens.
  3. Scroll down to the Meta/SEO (Language) section and complete the necessary entries.
  4. Save the page.