Item detail page

Pane A: Cross-selling

Show default cross-selling: Specify whether cross-selling is shown for the item according to the settings in JTL-Wawi.

Show “Others also bought”: Specify whether customers are shown items that other customers have bought along with this item.

Number of displayed items: Here you set how many items are to be displayed in the cross-selling section.

Always show parent item: Specify whether to always display the parent item and not specific child items.

Pane B: General

Show extra charges for variations as follows: Specify how to indicate extra charges for variations.

Display stock level: Here you can specify whether to display the stock level of an item (individual view).

Show reference to supplier stocks: Here you determine whether items that are sold out should be displayed as still having supplier stocks.

Show brief description: Specify whether to show a short description of the item on the item detail page.

Show RRP: Specify whether to display the recommended retail price of an item on the item detail page. For this purpose, this information must be defined for the item in JTL-Wawi.

Showing the delivery status: Specify whether to display the delivery status for an item on the item detail page. For this purpose, this information must be defined for the item in JTL-Wawi. Learn more about this: Creating delivery statuses.

Show manufacturer: Specify whether to show the manufacturer of an item on the item detail page. For this purpose, this information must be defined for the item in JTL-Wawi. Learn more about this: Creating manufacturers.

Show permissible order quantity: Specify whether to display the permissible order quantity on the item detail page. For this purpose, this information must be defined for the item in JTL-Wawi.

Show link to other items of manufacturer: Here you determine whether a link is displayed with items that leads to the other items this manufacturer sells.

Show discounts: Specify how discounts are to be displayed. You can either display only the new final price, the discount, the old price, or both the old price and the discount.

Show special prices: Specify how to display the price for items with a special price. You can either display only the special price or also the old price.

Show category: Specify whether to display the item category on the item detail page.

Use tabs: Specify whether tabs are to be used on the item detail page. These include, for example, customer reviews or questions about the item. If you disable this option, all pieces of are displayed one below the other.

Show navigation to next/previous item: Specify whether users will be shown links to the previous or next item.

Show savings in comparison to RRP: Specify whether to show the value or percentage that the customer saves on items in comparison to the RRP.

Canonical URLs with child items: Specify whether canonical URLs of child items point to the parent item.

Show basket matrix: Specify whether selecting variations or parent-child relationships is done via a basket matrix.

Display options for basket matrix: Specify how you want the basket matrix to be displayed. You must also set up the shopping basket matrix in the item via attributes: Controlling JTL-Shop via attributes.

Hide unavailable items in basket matrix: Specify whether to hide variations in the basket matrix that are currently not available.

Show hazard sign for item: Here you determine whether the European hazard board is to be displayed on the item detail page. For this, the UN number and the hazard number must be maintained in JTL-Wawi.

Show GTIN: Here you define whether the GTIN of an item is to be displayed on the item detail page.

Allowed file uploads per hour: With this option you define the maximum number of files a client may upload per hour when the upload module is activated.

Show ISBN: Here you specify whether the ISBN should be displayed on the item detail page. For this, the ISBN must be maintained in the item master data in JTL-Wawi.

Pane C: More settings

Show “Add to comparison list”: Here you define whether the “Add to comparison list” button should be displayed on the item detail page.

Show media files: Specify whether and where to display media files on the item detail page.

Similar items: Number of items: Specify the number of similar items that are to be displayed. Similar items are proposed on the basis of identical characteristics. If you do not use characteristics, similar items are derived from the search. Items that are already proposed via cross-selling will be disregarded. 0 shows no items.

Show bill of materials components: Specify whether to display all components of a bill of materials in a box on the item detail page.

Use recommendations for item bundle: Here you set whether the item bundle recommendations should be displayed on the item detail page.

Description tab

Show characteristics: Specify whether to display the item characteristics assigned in JTL-Wawi on the item detail page.

Show shipping weight: Specify whether to display the shipping weight (item + packaging) defined in JTL-Wawi on the item detail page.

Show content: Here you can specify whether to display the content, calculated on the basis of the base price, on the item detail page.

Hier legen Sie fest, ob der über den Grundpreis errechnete Inhalt auf der Artikeldetailseite angezeigt wird.

Show item weight: Specify whether to display the item weight (item without packaging) defined in JTL-Wawi on the item detail page.

Show dimensions: Specify whether to display the dimensions (length x width x height) defined in JTL-Wawi on the item detail page.

Add item attributes to description: Specify whether to display item attributes saved in JTL-Wawi on the item detail page in the pattern Attribute name: Attribute value.