Enabling drop shipping for items

Your task/initial situation

You are selling items via drop shipping. This means that you do not own the items yourself, but only acquire them from your suppliers upon request. Your suppliers then deliver the items directly to your customers. You would like to enable drop shipping for your supplier’s items.
  • You have already marked the supplier whose item you want to enable for drop shipping as a drop shipping supplier. Read more on the topic here.

Enabling drop shipping for items

If you have not yet specified when activating the supplier that the Allow drop shipping option should be activated for all items assigned to the supplier, you must activate the respective items for drop shipping.

  1. Click on the Items icon to go to item management in JTL-Wawi.
  2. Navigate via the left-hand category structure to the item you want to activate for drop shipping.
  3. Double-click on the item to open the Item master data and switch to the tab Suppliers.
  4. In the overview table, select the corresponding supplier and activate the check box Allow drop shipping.

Supplier overview: All suppliers who could deliver the item are listed in the overview. All suppliers will be listed in the overview, no matter if the supplier even offers drop shipping or has already been activated for drop shipping in the supplier management. For more information about the Suppliers tab in the Item master data go here.

Supplier stocks: In general, you can specify in the supplier management whether you want to save and track a stock for a supplier. In the case of drop shipping, the stock will then also be reduced if a shipping process has been completed. You can also import the supplier stocks for all items of a supplier automatically via JTL-DataTransfer, for example, if you regularly receive the stocks from your supplier as a CSV file. Read more on the topic here.

  1. Close the item master data by clicking Save.

You have now enabled drop shipping for this item.