

    Goods receipt w/o PO

    In this video we explain how to carry out a goods receipt w/o PO in JTL-Wawi.

    Goods receipt in JTL-Wawi

    Your task/initial situation

    As soon as you start managing your products, you will have to post items from time to time. Depending on the initial situation, JTL-Wawi has various options for this.

    Performing goods receipt in JTL-Wawi

    1. Open the  Performing goods receipt dialogue box via the menu Warehouse > Perform: Goods receipt or via the item management by opening the context menu and right-clicking on an item.

    Generally, the goods receipt is intended for four types of item stock postings:

    • Purchase order ID: You can post purchase orders entirely or partially using the purchase order ID.
    • Invoice correction: You can post returned items into your warehouse. Read more on Invoice corrections.
    • Goods receipt w/o PO: In the goods receipt w/o PO, you can post stocks for individual products.
    • Supplier: Here you can select a supplier for which a goods receipt is carried out.

    Goods receipt of purchase orders

    There are two ways to add a purchase order to your stock:

    Option 1: Goods receipt

    1. In the Performing goods receipt dialogue box, enter the purchase order ID of the purchase order.

    Via the  … button you can search for an order. Only purchase orders with the status Being processed or Partially delivered are displayed in the search window.

    After you have selected a purchase order, all purchase order line items are displayed in the Selection pane.

    Attention: Even for partially delivered purchase orders, all purchase order line items are displayed in the Selection pane. If you click Apply selection, only the delivered items are automatically determined and displayed.

    Click on Apply selection to display all line items to be posted in the lower Goods receipt pane.

    If you would like to edit the purchase order line items, the values can still be edited by double-clicking on the line item that you want to edit.

    Option 2: Purchasing

    For more information on this option, please read the documentation on Purchasing.

    Goods receipt invoice corrections

    Please note: Generally, you should use the returns function in JTL-Wawi to post invoice corrections. Read more on: Returns
    1. In the Performing goods receipt dialogue box, enter the invoice correction for the goods receipt.

    You can search for the invoice correction that you want to post via the button next to the Inv. corr. field. After you have selected the invoice correction, all items are displayed in the Selection pane of the Goods receipt dialogue box. Using Apply selection, the goods receipt dialogue box offers you the possibility to edit the invoice correction.

    Goods receipt w/o PO

    • In the Performing goods receipt dialogue box, select the option Goods receipt w/o PO.
    • Select the item for which you want to perform the receipt, either by identifying it via the SKU, EAN/GTIN, MPN or UPC or by clicking on the  button next to the input field.
    Please note: You can also scan items with a connected barcode scanner. The field will be filled automatically.

    The selected item will now appear in the Performing goods receipt dialogue box. Click on Apply selection.

    Here, the desired quantity to be posted is entered. In addition, you can enter the warehouse, delivery date and optionally the delivery note ID. If it is a SLED or batch item, it is possible to select the shelf life expiration date or to enter the batch number.

    In the lower field you have an overview of the previously entered data. Here it is possible to edit the goods receipt again or to remove items if necessary. By clicking Post, the goods receipt is posted.

    Batch number, serial number, SLED

    If an item with a batch number, SLED (shelf life expiration date) or a serial number is to be posted, the respective value must be stored during the goods receipt. As usual, the item is selected during the Goods receipt w/o PO, via the purchase order or the invoice correction. The corresponding value can be added directly after the item has been selected and transferred from the overview to the goods receipt.

    If such an item is posted, the following dialogue appears. In the upper section of the goods receipt, the quantity and purchase price (net purchase price) are stated as usual. It is possible to maintain the serial number either now or, if already specified, to select it.

    In the dialogue box, the minimum shelf life expiration date of the goods can be recorded, or the batch can be entered.

    Please note: The context menu with the Open item option in the line item overview can also be called in the SLED management and in the goods receipt archive.


    Goods receipt w/o PO

    In this video we explain how to carry out a goods receipt w/o PO in JTL-Wawi.