
    Dialogue box: Box overview

    The box overview is an important tool for monitoring the shipping process. It is located in JTL-WMS under Goods Issue > Box overview.

    The box overview is used in the processes Shipping boxes and Pick-to-box.

    It offers the following basic functions:

    • Overview of all boxes, including their currently assigned orders and status.
    • Line item view for each box with its current contents and display of goods that are on their way to the box
    • Printing shipping documents and resetting the print
    • Locking boxes and transferring goods between different boxes

    List of all boxes

    All shipping boxes are displayed in the upper list. The following information is available for each box:

    Box: This is the number of the box.

    Sales order: If the box has been assigned a sales order, it will be displayed here. As soon as a sales order is reserved on a standard pick list and the Shipping boxes process is active, a shipping box is reserved for this order. The goods are then put into this box after picking. When all goods are in the box, the shipping documents are printed.

    Quantity in box: This is the number of items currently in the box.

    Last modified: This shows the date and time when the box last changed its status.

    Box information: This shows important information about the box. The following options are possible:

    • Partial delivery active: This is displayed if the sales order is marked as Teilliefern (Partial delivery) in the WMS shipping options in JTL-Wawi. An invoice is automatically printed for this sales order as soon as the goods are in the shipping box and there are no more goods on their way to the shipping box (i.e. when there are no more items to pick for this sales order).
    Important: Nevertheless, there may be unreserved goods in the sales order if, for example, there was no stock in the warehouse.
    • Pre-picking: This order was marked as Vorkommissionieren (Pre-picking) in the WMS shipping options in JTL-Wawi. Sales orders are normally only reserved if the complete quantity of the sales order can be reserved. However, if an order is marked as Pre-picking, the order is partially reserved. However, invoices are not automatically printed once there are items in the shipping box. Invoice printing is still only triggered when all items are in the box or printing is triggered manually. The use of this option makes sense if the sales order can be completed by goods that will be delivered to the goods receipt in the near future.
    • Prioritised: This sales order was prioritised using Priorität ändern (Change priority) in JTL-Wawi. These sales orders are put on pick lists before all other sales orders. Of course, this still only applies if the selected pick list template is suitable for the sales order and if there is sufficient stock.
    • Locked: This order was locked in JTL-Wawi using Lock in the WMS shipping options. This order cannot be reserved on pick lists and cannot be packed unless the lock is removed again.
    • Not complete!: The order is currently not complete and the invoice cannot be printed. This can be the case, for example, if there was not enough stock at any time during the picking process (inventory difference, defective items, mistaken pick, …). These orders will be added to the pick list the next time a suitable pick list template is run. After this, the “Not complete!” info disappears.

    Locked: This indicates whether the box is currently locked. This can be changed with the Lock/Unlock button.

    Storage location: The place where the shipping box is stored.


    By clicking on the arrow, a toolbar with various buttons can be opened and closed.

    Once a box has been selected, it can be edited using various buttons.

    The following buttons are available:

    • Ready for packing: With this button the shipping documents can be printed again. This is only possible when the box has the status “Documents printed”. It is also possible to manually trigger printing for boxes that do not contain complete sales orders. However, this is only possible if no items on the pick list are still currently being picked. The sales order can now be partly shipped.
    • Reset status: Sometimes sales orders for which the shipping documents have already been printed are not to be shipped after all. In this case, the status can be reset using this button. The status of the shipping box is then reset from “Documents printed” to “Sales order assigned”. The box is then given the status “locked” so that printing is not immediately restarted. The sales order can now no longer be packed and shipped via the packing dialogue. The documents that were printed before must be destroyed. Otherwise, the employee at the packing station will wonder why the documents were printed and the order cannot be packed.
    • Switch shipping box: With this button the entire content of a box can be repacked into another box. This is useful, for example, if a box is too small for the items in the assigned sales order or the box is damaged. It is only possible to repack one box into an empty box or in a box that contains items of the same sales order.
    • Lock/Unlock: This button locks or unlocks the selected box.
    • Clear: The contents of the box are cleared from the system and the pick list line items are deleted. This button can be used to reset a sales order that is not completely available. Afterwards the items must be removed from the box and posted to the warehouse again via an inbound posting or a free goods receipt. As soon as the order is completely available, it is automatically put on the next suitable pick list.


    The filters From box and To box can be used to only view certain boxes.

    In this case, all boxes from 1 to 5 are displayed.

    The following restrictions can be made via the filters:

    • Status: The following options are possible:
    • All statuses: Shows all boxes without restrictions.
    • Only empty boxes:Only boxes without items are displayed.
    • Assigned sales order: Only boxes to which a sales order has been assigned are displayed.
    • Forms printed: All boxes for which shipping documents have been printed are displayed.
    • Hide empty boxes: All boxes without items are hidden.
    • Lock status: Here you can view all boxes, only locked boxes or only unlocked boxes.
    • Sales order: This limits the displayed options to a certain sales order. The value to be entered is the Sales order ID from JTL-Wawi.
    • Special info: The following options are possible:
    • All sales orders: All sales orders are displayed.
    • Partial deliveries: Shows only sales orders that have been marked as Teilliefern (Partial delivery) in JTL-Wawi.
    • Pre-picking: Only shows sales orders that have been marked as Vorkommissionieren (Pre-picking) in JTL-Wawi.
    • Prioritised: Only shows sales orders that were prioritised in JTL-Wawi.
    • Locked: Only shows sales orders that were marked with Sperren (Lock) in JTL-Wawi.
    • Not complete!: Only shows sales orders which do not completely fill the shipping box in their current state. In this case, the rest of the goods must be reserved or a print must be triggered manually.
    These additional filters can be opened by clicking on the magnifying glass.

    Line items

    As soon as a box is selected, the corresponding line items are displayed.
    The information listed below is displayed for:

    • All items that are in the box
    • All items that are on their way to the box

    The following information is given for each line item:

    • Sales order: This is the corresponding sales order. This value is empty if the item in the box does not belong to any sales order. This only happens if a pick list line item was reset using the troubleshooting dialogue and the goods remained in the box. In general, goods without sales orders should be removed from the boxes as quickly as possible so that the boxes can be used again (occupied boxes are not reserved for new sales orders).
    • Item information: SKU, item name and GTIN.
    • Quantity in box: The quantity of the item that is in the box.
    • Quantity on the way: This is the quantity of items that is still on the way to the box. Items are on their way to this box when they:
    • belong to the sales order to which the box is assigned.
    • Belong to a pick list line item that is currently on its way to the box (status “created” or “picked”).

    Return to stock

    Click the Return to stock button to open the troubleshooting dialogue. You can use this to reset, delete or otherwise edit pick list line items.