
    Carrying out cancellations

    Your task/initial situation

    You are currently in the checkout process and have already added an item to the receipt. Your customer now tells you that they do not want individual items or even the entire purchase after all.

    In JTL-POS, you can carry out cancellations at different times during the checkout process:

    • Line item cancellation: You can cancel an individual line item and remove it from the receipt directly during the checkout process.
    • Receipt cancellation: You can cancel an entire receipt during checkout. If required, you can define cancellation reasons for this, which will be prompted during cancellation.
    • Exchanges/Returns: Exchanging and returning items are a special form of cancellation. In this case, the receipt is cancelled only after the checkout. Read more on this topic here: Carrying out returns/exchanges.
    Please note: In JTL-POS, you have the option to reset receipts. If you reset a receipt, the receipt number remains available and the receipt is not marked as cancelled. For more information on this topic, click here: Resetting receipts


    • To be able to remove individual items from a receipt, a user must have been granted the Create and edit receipts right. For more information on this topic, click here: Managing user rights.
    • To cancel an entire receipt, a user must have been granted the Cancel receipts right. For more information on this topic, click here: Managing user rights.

    Optional: Creating cancellation reasons

    You can define reasons for the cancellation of receipts or line items in JTL-POS. As soon as there is at least one cancellation reason at line item or receipt level, the reason will be prompted and must be specified for a cancellation at the relevant level. For more information on this topic, see: Creating cancellation reasons.

    Carrying out line item cancellations

    With a line item cancellation, you only remove a single line item from the receipt. This might be necessary if, for example, you have scanned the wrong item or if your customer decides at short notice not to take an item after all.

    1. To cancel a line item, simply swipe it to the left. The icons for editing the line item will appear.
    1. Tap the recycle bin icon. You will be asked to confirm that you really want to delete the line item.
    2. Confirm the confirmation request with Delete. The line item will then be removed from the receipt.
    Please note: The entire line will be removed in this process. That means that if the quantity for this line item is higher than 1, it will be completely removed. If you only want to reduce the quantity of a line item, tap the pen icon instead of the recycle bin icon and adjust the quantity. In this case, no cancellation will be logged.

    Cancelling receipts

    Instead of individual items, you can also cancel an entire receipt. This makes sense, for example, if your customer backs out of the purchase before payment is made.

    Please note: If your customer wants to cancel the purchase after the checkout, you must carry out a return/an exchange. For more information on this topic, click here: Carrying out returns/exchanges
    1. Tap on the … Options button below the line item list. The receipt menu will open.
    2. Tap on Cancel receipt. If you have defined at least one cancellation reason for receipts, the system will prompt you to select a cancellation reason. Otherwise, you will be asked if you really wish to cancel the receipt.
    1. Select one of the cancellation reasons or confirm the confirmation request. The receipt will be cancelled.

    You can find receipts cancelled in this way in the overview All receipts > Cancelled until day-end closing.

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