We are currently still building up the English documentation; not all sections have been translated yet. Please note that there may still be German screenshots or links to German pages even on pages that have already been translated. This guide mostly addresses English speaking users in Germany.
Detailed description: Managing components
On this page you will find a detailed description of all options in the dialogue box Managing components. The scenario below explains how to create configuration items in JTL-Wawi: Setting up configuration items.
Description of the dialogue box
Pane A: List of components
Here you can see a list of all components that are part of a configuration group.
Pane B: Buttons
Add: Opens the dialogue box Adding and editing components, which allows you to add a new component to your configuration group. Read the detailed description of the dialogue box Adding and editing components.
Edit: Opens the dialogue box Adding and editing components. Here you can edit an existing component.
Delete: : Removes the selected component from the list.
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