Receiving tips

Your task/initial situation

Your customer would like to tip you.

Tipping in JTL-POS

You can receive tips with any payment method. It makes no difference if a customer wants to tip you by card or in cash.

Receiving tips

  1. In the receipt view, tap Go to checkout.
  2. Under Received, enter the amount your customer gave you (including tips).
Example: Your customer would like to round up an amount from 24.45 to 30, i.e. tip you 5.55. Should your customer choose to pay by card, simply enter 30.00. If they would like to pay in cash, enter the actual amount your customer gave you.
  1. Tap on the tip icon in the Change field. The Tip dialogue box will open.
  2. Enter the total amount that your customer would like to pay, including tip. Under Tip, you can see the proportion of the amount that makes up the tip. Under Change, you can see how much money you need to return to the customer. With card payments, no change should be displayed.
  1. Tap OK. In the Change field, you will now see information about the tip.
  2. Carry out the payment process as usual. The tip will be posted in JTL-POS.