Dialogue box: Creating user-defined bar codes

To simplify checkout, GTIN13 bar codes containing data can be read. This allows, among other things, the entry of items with individual prices or quantities, regardless of whether or not an item exists in the database. JTL-POS offers the possibility to store a bar code scheme and to define custom criteria for the recognition. If an entry in the checkout process does not result in a match in the item database, JTL-POS uses the stored bar code schemes and their criteria to check whether a corresponding custom line item can be created from the existing data in the bar code.

The following bar code schemes are provided by default from the time of installation:

  • Recognition of print items without creating an item according to the standardised specifications of GS1
  • Recognition of labels from printing scales in order to communicate the quantities or weights of weighed items.
  • Recognition of deposit receipts from bottle return machines to issue a deposit refund.
Info: These schemes cannot be removed, but they can be disabled.

General information

  • Activate recording (switch): Recording is activated by default. This option allows you to control whether the bar code scheme created should be temporarily unrecognised in the checkout process without having to delete the database entry.
  • Name (text field): The bar code scheme can be named anything. The name is used to identify the individual bar code schemes in the list view and identify the recorded line item on the receipt. If the entered line item is linked to an item or a favourite by SKU or PLU, the respective name of the item or favourite is used for the line item instead.
  • Use (selection menu): This function is already preselected as Line item recording and cannot be changed. In the future, the range of options will be expanded to include additional options.
  • Encoding (selection menu): This function is already preselected as GTIN13 and cannot be changed. In the future, the range of options will be expanded to include additional encoding options.

Bar code scheme

  • Scheme (Show): The bar code scheme is displayed here according to your definition. The bar code scheme is made up of two different values:
  • Key values – Used to recognise bar codes and assign them to existing data records. For each key value, values can be stored or options can be enabled and disabled.

  • Recording values – Used to communicate information via the bar code. The content of these elements may be generated by external systems and only needs to be defined in the scheme in JTL-POS.

  • Legend (display): The keys used in your bar code scheme are listed here with their names for easier identification.
  • Edit scheme (button): Opens the dialogue box in which the bar code scheme is defined.

Key values

This dynamic section displays the options and text fields for the keys used in the scheme. These serve for the actual identification of a bar code scheme as well as the assignment to existing database objects.

  • Prefix (text field) The prefix is the sign by which the bar code is identified. If the bar code is generated by an external system, please ensure that the scheme and prefix stored there match those stored in JTL-POS.
  • Tax rate (selection menu): By default, this determines the tax rate for bar codes that do not contain a VAT key. All tax rates that have been created under Settings/Tax rates can be selected. If you still want to enter the same bar code (without VAT key) with different tax rates, you can create another scheme with a customised prefix. The tax rate selected here is ignored if an item or favourite is found in the database during entry. In this case, the assigned tax rate of the item or favourite is used.
  • Tax rate (text field): If the scheme contains a VAT key, a separate value can be stored for each tax rate which is available under Settings/Tax rates. To be able to save the scheme, at least one tax code must be specified.
  • Interpret price in scheme as negative (switch): Available when a price key is used in the bar code scheme. If JTL-POS recognises a bar code scheme with a price, this is automatically transferred to the receipt as a positive amount. If this function is active, recognised prices are interpreted negatively. One practical example is the recognition of deposit receipts for deposit refunds.