
    Software constraints and limitations

    This page contains information on known capacity limits of JTL-Software products.


    The threshold value in the table states the limit at which we a have not experienced any performance issues with current standard hardware. From a technical point of view our system is generally able to process much higher values.

    JTL-Wawi and JTL-Shop


    Threshold value


    Quantity of items


    Standard items, bills of materials or child items are each regarded as a single item.

    Quantity of categories per item


    Quantity of categories


    Quantity of items per category


    Quantity of categories per online shop


    Quantity of configurator components per item


    Quantity of items per task plan (Export)


    Quantity of task plans (Export)


    The fewer items there are in the online shop or task plan, the more will still be possible.

    Parent-child relationship (with regard to child item per parent item)


    Quantity of line items per order




    Use characteristics for specific properties of your product range to enable a more efficient After Search Navigation in JTL-Shop. Examples for characteristics are colour, size, material, etc. For After Search Navigation in JTL-Shop, complex SQL commands are issued, which will require a higher server performance with increasing quantity of items and characteristics.

    Characteristic values per characteristic


    Shipping classes

    Up until and including JTL-Shop version 4.05, a maximum of 5 shipping classes can be used. From 4.06 onward, more shipping classes are possible.

    Customer groups


    Customer groups are not meant for individual users. There should be as few customer groups as possible, and each group should be assigned a large number of customers. If you want to give discounts to individuals, work with customised prices instead. Go to the documentation on customer-specific prices.

    Other technical constraints

    • Prices can have a maximum of 12 digits before the decimal point. This means that the maximum possible price in JTL-Wawi is 999,999,999,999.99.
    • Bills of materials (BOM) cannot be nested, i.e. a BOM cannot contain another BOM.
    • BOM components are not configurable. Therefore, they cannot be set as configuration items.


    Die JTL-Shop-Schwellenwerte beziehen sich auf die Systemvoraussetzungen von JTL-Shop. Auch jenseits der Schwellenwerte kann der JTL-Shop funktionieren, jedoch hängt die Performance von sehr vielen variablen Faktoren ab, weshalb sich generelle Aussagen hier nicht festlegen lassen. Zu den variablen Faktoren, die auch alle in Kombination miteinander gesehen werden müssen, gehören:

    • Number of visitors at the same time
    • Number of simultaneous processes (task scheduling, cron jobs, other applications on the server, etc.)
    • Additional features that can be integrated, e.g. via plug-ins
    • Individual contents of the online shop (item quantity, number of categories, number of manufacturers, number of characteristics, image sizes, general transfer sizes of the contents, parent-child relationship complexity).


    System constraints

    Threshold value


    Quantity of configurator components per item



    When loading a configuration item, all associated components and all items linked to these components will also be loaded. This can lead to performance issues (long loading times) when a lot of items are linked to components.

    Download Module

    Maximum file size per download file:

    There is no general maximum size for download files. However, there is a theoretical one, depending on the download speed of your customers and the maximum PHP execution time of the server on which the JTL-Shop is operated. With the maximum standard PHP execution time of 120 seconds (see system requirements), the following file size limits apply:

    • 1000 kbit/s (optimal usage): 15 MB max
    • 6000 kbit/s (optimal usage): 90 MB max
    • 16,000 kbit/s (optimal usage): 240 MB max
    • 25,000 kbit/s (optimal usage): 375 MB max
    • 50,000 kbit/s (optimal usage): 750 MB max
    Example: Your file has 250 MB. All customers with download speeds of 25,000 kbit/s and 50,000 kbit/s will be able to download the file, while those with download speeds of 1000 kbit/s, 6000 kbit/s and 16,000 kbit/s will not.

    To solve this problem, you can split larger files into several smaller ones via archives. This means that the file is split into several small .zip or .rar files to reduce the file size per download. Read more on that topic here.