
    Setting up shipping methods

    Your task/initial situation

    You have connected JTL-Wawi to the JTL-Fulfillment Network. Before you can assign warehouses to fulfilment customers, you must first define which shipping methods you want to offer them.
    Hinweis: Sie können dem JTL-Fulfillment Network nur bestehende Versandarten aus JTL-Wawi zuweisen. Falls Sie noch keine Versandarten angelegt haben, lesen Sie bitte Versandarten anlegen.

    Creating FFN shipping methods

    You must create FFN shipping methods. The FFN shipping methods are used so that a seller is notified about changes to shipping methods on your site. Also, shipping information can be successfully transferred to individual platforms such as Amazon or eBay.

    1. In JTL-Wawi, go to the area Lager > JTL-Fulfillment Network (Warehouses > JTL-Fulfillment Network).
    2. Click on the button Manage FFN shipping methods. The dialogue box FFN-Versandarten anlegen (Creating FFN shipping methods) opens.
    1. Click the button Anlegen (Create) button. The options for setting the shipping method become visible in the dialogue box.
    2. It is best to enter a unique name for the ID and a Name for the shipping method.
    3. If required, select a Typ (Type) and Carrier code for the shipping method and enter the Cut-Off-Zeit (Cut-off time).
    4. On the right-hand side, select which shipping methods are to be assigned to this FFN shipping method.
    5. Repeat these steps for all shipping methods you want to offer in the JTL-Fulfillment Network.
    1. Save and close the dialogue box by clicking Speichern.