
    Setting up Viva Wallet as a payment provider

    Your task/initial situation

    You would like your customers to be able to pay with several different payment methods. With Viva Wallet, you benefit from an easy setup and the already existing integration with JTL-POS.
    • You must have already downloaded JTL-POS in addition to the Viva Wallet POS app.
    • The operating system of your mobile device must operate on Android 8 or higher.

    Step 1: Order Viva Wallet

    Before you can begin to set up Viva Wallet as a payment provider in JTL-POS, you must be logged in to Viva Wallet.

    1. Open the booking page.
    2. Register by clicking on Zur Buchung (Go to order), fill out the registration form, and click on Absenden (Submit).

    Step 2: Set up Viva Wallet

    1. Open the Viva Wallet POS app and log in according to the instructions provided by Viva Wallet in their introductory tutorial.
    2. Grant the necessary permissions.
    3. In the registration process, you will be asked if you want to use your Android device’s internal NFC reader, or if would like to use the external mini card reader. Make your selection.

    Your Android device will now be configured and set up.

    Step 3: Set up Viva Wallet as a payment method in JTL-POS

    1. In JTL-POS, go to Settings > Payment methods. The Manage payment methods dialogue box will open.
    2. Tap on Create new payment method (plus icon). The Edit payment method dialogue box will open.
    3. Enter a name (e.g. Viva Wallet) and, optionally, a description.
    4. Enter the respective DATEV accounts.
    5. Enable the Use payment provider option.
    6. Select the Viva Wallet option and save by tapping on the green check mark. You may now use Visa  Wallet as a payment method.

    Once Viva Wallet is selected as a payment method for the first time during a purchase, the final verification will take place in the background, during which you will not need to take any further action. Afterwards, Viva Wallet is fully set up and available to use without any further action.