Checklist for updating to JTL-Wawi 1.6

Webinar Week: Register now for the webinar weeks to be well prepared for the switch to JTL-Wawi 1.6. Go here to Register for the webinar weeks.

This checklist should assist you in the preparation and follow-up of the update to JTL-Wawi 1.6. Please keep in mind that we cannot consider every special feature specific to your online business and your JTL-Wawi configuration in this checklist.

Make sure to allow for enough time!
Ideally, you should carry out the update at the weekend or after working hours. In our experience, there will be a lot of smaller and larger changes that you do not expect and that might force you to rearrange your day. It might also prove beneficial to use a test system!

Reducing duration of update: To reduce the duration of the update, we recommend carrying out the update directly on your server. Otherwise, all data, such as images or SQL commands, must first be loaded onto your client, which can be quite time-consuming.


If your JTL-Wawi SQL database is hosted by JTL, we ask you to perform the update during our support hours. The reason for this is that you cannot perform a manual restore yourself, which means that only JTL can restore a backup if necessary.

Attention: The update to JTL-Wawi 1.6 includes some automatic changes to certain data. Carefully read the following sections of the documentation, in order to be well prepared for these changes and to take appropriate precautions if necessary.

Changes to data

In the following section, you can read about automatic changes to data as part of the update to JTL-Wawi 1.6.

Credit card details are not imported.

Credit card data is deleted from JTL-Wawi to comply with the rules for processing credit card transactions. Credit card data from JTL-Shop will be discarded and no longer stored. Credit cards that have already been saved will be deleted from the database.

Stock levels of simple variations are no longer supported.

Stock levels of simple variations, i.e. variations for which no separate child items have been created, are no longer supported. When updating to JTL-Wawi 1.6, the stock levels are deleted from the respective items. The stock levels are automatically exported during the update and saved locally to the desktop. To indicate the correct stock levels of your variations, you need to create child items. Also read the documentation for Creating variation items.

The output templates Warehouse packing list and Packing list are no longer supported.

The output templates Warehouse packing list and Packing list are no longer supported and will be deleted when updating to JTL-Wawi 1.6. They are replaced by pick lists in JTL-Wawi. Read more about pick lists here.


Sales order attributes become Custom fields

Sales order attributes become Custom fields and will automatically be converted to Custom fields during the update to JTL-Wawi 1.6. Read more about Custom fields here.

Before the update

  • Check whether you meet all the System requirements described in the following section.
  • Find out whether third-party systems such as Unicorn, LS-POS and Jera are already compatible with JTL-Wawi 1.6. Please check with your provider.
  • If you are working with a service partner, you may want to contact them before carrying out the update.
  • Make sure there is enough storage space available on the database server. The update to JTL-Wawi 1.6 increases the memory requirements of the database.
Note for sellers with the Express Version: The database size of the Express version is limited to 10GB. After updating to JTL-Wawi 1.6, the database size can increase by more than 30%. Check the size of your database and ensure that sufficient storage capacity is available.

System requirements

Operating system

Minimum requirement

  • .NET Framework 4.8 or newer
  • Recommended: Windows 10
Please note: JTL-Wawi 1.6 has never been tested with Windows 11.

SQL Server

Minimum requirement

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express with current service pack


  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard or higher with current service pack/update rollup
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express with Advanced Tools and latest service pack/update rollup

Optimisation for large databases:

  • If applicable, switch to FILESTREAM if the database is at the memory limit of the Microsoft SQL Server Express.
  • Or switch to a higher SQL server licence for larger databases


Minimum requirement

  • JTL-Shop 4.06 or higher
  • mod_security version 3.0.4 or higher (if used)

Third-party shops without JTL-Connector

  • Switching to JTL-Connector required!
Switching to JTL Connector: Starting from JTL-Wawi 1.6, connecting your online shop of a third-party provider, such as WooCommerce, Shopware or Shopify, will only be possible by using the JTL-Connector. You can find a licence for the Connector to your online shop in the JTL Customer Centre under Produkte > Shop-Connectoren (Products > Shop Connectors).


JTL-Wawi 1.6 requires the following minimum versions of JTL-Connector:

Shopware 5

  • JTL-Connector version: 2.10.2

WooCommerce 3/4/5

  • JTL-Connector version: 1.25.0

PrestaShop 1.7

  • JTL-Connector version: 1.10.0

Gambio 3/4

  • JTL-Connector version: 2.15.1

modified 2

  • JTL-Connector version: 3.7.0

After the update

Check licences

Please check the validity of all your licences in the JTL Customer Centre.

Please check the connections to JTL-Track&Trace, JTL Fulfillment Network and JTL-Wawi Hosting in the JTL Customer Centre.

Check SQLs for Own Views

Please check if the SQLs need to be adjusted to your own views.

Store tax code for reverse charge

Please go to Admin > Steuern > Steuerverwaltung (Admin > Taxes > Tax management) to add a tax code to each tax rate. Go to the documentation for Taxes.

Customise print templates

Please check whether individual customizations to your templates are still compatible.

Check workflows

Please check if all your workflows are still running.

Customise JTL-Shipping

JTL-Shipping must be set up again for each workstation. Got to the documentation for JTL-ShippingLabels.

Set up printer again

The printer management of JTL-Shipping has been revised. Please set up your printers again.

Customise JTL-WMS

Pick list templates

The picklist templates have been revised and have received new functions. Please check the settings of your templates and carry out adjustments and optimisations. Got to the documentation for Creating and editing pick list templates in JTL-WMS.

Printer administration

For technical reasons, your previous printer settings cannot be transferred entirely. Therefore, please check the printer settings for each workstation.

JTL-WMS Mobile App

The JTL-WMS Mobile App must be updated to the latest version, otherwise it is not compatible. Got to the documentation for JTL-WMS Mobile.

JTL-Guide: Get an overview of the new features of JTL-Wawi 1.6 in the JTL Guide.