
    Processing requests

    Your task/initial situation

    You are a fulfilment service provider and have created your warehouse profile in the Fulfillment Portal. You received an email telling you that you have received an initial request from a fulfilment customer that you would now like to authorise.

    Viewing requests

    1. When a customer makes a request for your warehouse in the Fulfillment Portal, you will be notified by email. You can access the portal directly via a link in that email.
    2. Open your outstanding customer requests in the Fulfillment Portal via the menu My Network > My customer requests.
    1. Click on Details to receive further information on the customer's request.
    Negotiating a contract: Before you confirm the business relationship, you should contact the seller outside of the Fulfillment Portal to negotiate a contract with them. How exactly each individual contract is negotiated is up to the fulfilment service provider and is not part of JTL's scope of services. JTL merely provides the software, allowing the establishment of the initial contact via the Fulfillment Portal and providing the technical basis for the following cooperation.

    Authorising customers

    1. In the request details, select the option Initiate cooperation. Then click on Send reply. The request status changes to Confirmed.
    2. Now your customer needs to confirm the cooperation. Once this is done, you will see the customer under My Network > My Customers.
    1. You can now assign a warehouse to the customer and accept your first delivery.