Item master data: Stock overview

On this page you will find a detailed description of all the options in the Stocks tab of the item master data. To learn how to create items, please read the relevant scenario.

The Stocks tab provides a comprehensive overview of the current stock levels and supplier stocks, the current item movements and the stock details. In this dialogue box, you can view and edit both your purchase orders and sales orders associated with the item. You can view the stock movements of your items stored in an Amazon warehouse using the FBA history button.

Dialogue box structure

A: Stocks

In the Stocks area, you will find the statuses In stock, Reserved, Awaiting delivery, Available, On purchase list, Locked and In intermediate storage with their assigned values. You can select one of the first three statuses and view the corresponding stock information in the table below. The following statuses are available to you:

In stock

The stock value shows the actual total stock of your item. All managed warehouses and supplier warehouses are included in this calculation if you have activated the option Add to own stock in the Suppliers tab and have entered a stock.

If you select the status In stock, you will see all of your warehouses with the respective item stocks in the table below. If you use a standard warehouse, you can provide additional information, for example on the exact storage location of your item, in the fields of the Comment 1 and Comment 2 columns highlighted in red. If you already use our warehouse management system JTL-WMS, the exact storage location and further information is displayed in the following column. Read more on the topic here.


If you select the status Reserved, you will see the number of items reserved for customers. In the table, you can see the sales orders with the following information: Sales order ID, Quantity, Customer, Company, Created on, eBay listing ID and Platform.

Awaiting delivery

If you select the status Awaiting delivery, you will see which quantity of the item has already been re-ordered. Only those items are taken into account, for which a sales order has actually been placed and authorised and whose status is Being processed.

The table below the status contains the following information: Purchase order ID, Quantity, Open, Shipped, Supplier, Estim. delivery date, Created on and Note.


The value after Available shows you how many items are currently available. The available item quantity is calculated on the basis of the total stock minus the reserved and locked items. This value shows you the quantity of the selected item that is immediately available for potential sales orders.

Please note that a set up buffer is not deducted from the available stock of items in JTL-Wawi. However, the buffer remains valid for your online stocks. You can set up the buffer under Item master data > General info > Stocks.

On purchase list

The value after On purchase list shows you the item quantity intended for a purchase order. Read more on the topic here.


If you use a warehouse that should not be added to the available stock, you can lock the stock. This is a good option, for example, for return warehouses. Via the menu Warehouse > Warehouse > Lock for available stock, you can lock the stock of a specific warehouse. The locked stock is added to your total stock but not to the immediately available stock. The value after Locked shows you how many items are locked for the available stock.

In intermediate storage

The value behind In intermediate storage shows you how many items are in intermediate storage. For example, an item is located in intermediate storage when it is moved from Warehouse A to Warehouse B and is therefore physically available, but is not located in a specific warehouse.

FBA history (Fulfilment by Amazon)

Use the FBA history button to open the Amazon movements dialogue box. If you also distribute your item via Amazon fulfilment and have stored it in an Amazon warehouse, a so-called fulfilment warehouse will automatically be created for you. Your stocks, goods receipts and goods issues for the item are managed in this warehouse. Via the drop-down menus you can narrow down the selection accordingly.

B: Serial numbers and batches/shelf life expiration date

If it is an item that requires special handling or tracking, such as SLED, batch or serial number items, you can view the details of your item in the table. Depending on the item, you will see either the Serial numbers or Batch/Shelf life expiration date (SLED) in the bottom left pane.

Serial numbers

If you track your item with serial numbers, you will see the corresponding serial numbers, which you have already created at the goods receipt, in this table. A prerequisite for this display is that you have activated serial numbers in the tab General > Storage options > Items with serial numbers and have selected a warehouse with an active inventory management in the table in the Stocks area.

Please note: If serial number tracking is disabled for the item, serial numbers are not assigned and cannot be viewed in the table.

Batches/Shelf life expiration date (SLED)

If you have assigned a shelf life expiration date (SLED) and/or a batch number to your item, you will find the relevant information with the respective quantity in this table. A prerequisite for this display is that you have activated the check box Shelf life expiration date or Batch in the tab General > Storage options and have selected a warehouse with active inventory management in the table in the Stocks area.

C: Supplier stocks

In the Supplier stocks area, you can see the stocks of the suppliers. The prerequisite for this display is that you have activated the check box Add to own stock in the Suppliers tab and that supplier stocks are also managed there. Read more on the topic here.

The respective supplier stock is added to the total stock and the available stock.