Connecting hardware to JTL-POS

You can use a variety of hardware with JTL-POS. If you connect a printer, you can print receipts. With a separate display, you can show purchase information to the customer. By using TSS components, you make your cash register legally secure.

How to

JTL-POS supports many types of printers which can be connected via all common interfaces, e.g. Bluetooth, USB, or via a network. You will almost certainly work with a receipt printer, which you must initially connect to JTL-POS.

There are print templates for the receipt and the day-end closing report which you can modify as you see fit.

JTL-POS CustomerDisplay is a valuable addition to JTL-POS as it perfectly rounds off your customers’ shopping experience and their overall impression of your point of sale. On your own screen, first display the current checkout process and then the QR code with which customers can load the digital receipt onto their smartphone. Or use the customer display for marketing purposes and draw attention to current offers, discounts or your online shop through advertising banners, slideshows and videos. To optimally present your brand, the app offers you numerous possibilities to easily customise the design of the displayed content.

Setting up the TSS cloud

The technical safety system (TSS) is mandatory according to the German Cash Register Regulation (Kassensicherungsverordnung). JTL-POS currently supports any TSS manufactured by Epson.

Setting up the Epson TSS

Detailed window structure and functions

You can connect different printers to JTL-POS. In the printer setup dialogues, you can specify the type of documents that can be printed with each printer. Use the variables to customise your print templates.

Dialogue boxes

You can connect multiple displays to JTL-POS. You can specify individual settings for each display and, for example, display different background images.

You can connect an Epson technical safety system to JTL-POS. In the Technical safety system dialogue, establish the connection and retrieve information about the TSS.